Cardiovascular Disorders

Common Functional Limitations

You need a good definitive description of limitations from the physician.

  • Mobility (walking, running, climbing stairs)

  • Standing for prolonged periods (Has physician contraindicated standing?)

  • Lifting, pushing, pulling, reaching, pressing (Does client have a back problem?)

  • Stamina

  • Endurance

  • Temperature extremes

  • Dizziness (under what conditions?)

  • Tolerance to environmental changes (gases, fumes, air quality, altitude changes)

Vocational Impediments

Consider those functional aspects of work that are limited, excluded, or contraindicated due to the presence of this disorder. Consider also whether the client fatigues easily or requires long rest periods between exertions. Is this client susceptible to ulcerations or vascular damage due to ischemia when standing?

Consider age, limitations, and training. Many persons with cardiovascular disorders have a good prognosis for employment provided they cease smoking, lose weight, maintain moderate exercise, and reduce stress, per physician recommendations. Life style changes are an important part of the medical management of these disorders. In determining how the individual can reach an employment goal, the counselor must look at abilities and aptitudes in relation to potential goals that are not contraindicated by the restrictions of the disability. Side effects of medications must also be assessed.